Don't Be Left In A Haze: How To Prepare For Your First Trip To A Marijuana Dispensary

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I married my wonderful spouse nearly 10 years ago. After the wedding, I moved into the brick home my husband already owned. Because this house was an hour and a half’s drive from my hometown, I immediately begin to miss my family and friends. After a year of marriage, my desire to move back home began causing me to have extreme anxiety. Because I loved my husband, divorce was not an option. Therefore, I started to research natural healthcare options for anxiety on the internet. After the research process, I completely changed my diet. On this blog, you will discover effective natural remedies for anxiety.


Don't Be Left In A Haze: How To Prepare For Your First Trip To A Marijuana Dispensary

10 August 2018
, Blog

If you're planning your first trip to a marijuana dispensary, it's a good idea to take some time to prepare yourself for the experience. Marijuana dispensaries are different than just about anything else you've ever experienced—but not in a bad way. When you venture into a marijuana dispensary, you'll find yourself surrounded by other like-minded individuals. However, it's important to remember that marijuana dispensaries are governed by specific rules and regulations. Here are four tips that will help you prepare for your first trip to the marijuana dispensary.

Bring the Right Documentation

When it comes to visiting a marijuana dispensary, it's important to remember to bring the right documentation. Marijuana dispensaries have strict policies about who can be in the dispensaries and who can purchase marijuana products. If you don't have valid proof of identification, you won't be allowed to purchase any type of marijuana products. Not only that, but if you're attempting to purchase medical marijuana, you'll need documentation from your physician. Bring the right documentation and you'll be fine.

Plan for an Extended Visit

When you visit the dispensary for the first time, be prepared for an extended visit. Shopping in a marijuana dispensary can be a lengthy process, especially the first time. During your first visit, you'll be shown around the dispensary and introduced to the various strains that are available. You'll also be shown all the tools and accessories that are available for purchase. If you're interested in edibles, you'll be introduced to those as well. The time you spend in the dispensary during your first visit will help prepare you for all subsequent visits.

Be Respectful of Others Privacy

When it comes to marijuana dispensaries, it's important to be respectful of others' privacy. Marijuana dispensaries are like pharmacies or the doctor's office. If there are other patients in the dispensary, stand back from the counter, and give them the space they'll need their privacy and peace of mind. In some dispensaries, you'll be required to take a seat and wait until your turn is called. While you're waiting, be sure to avoid using your cell phone. Phones can be distracting and are usually prohibited in marijuana dispensaries.

Come Prepared with Cash

When you visit the dispensary for the first time, be sure to come prepared with cash. Most dispensaries operate on a cash-only basis. The last thing you want is to get in line only to find out that they only take cash and you only brought your credit cards or ATM cards. To be on the safe side, stop by an ATM before you head to the dispensary.